Tu trocito de campo en Internet (enduro, mx, trial, SM....)
By angelogasgas
I'm sorry, but I don't speak spanish
In may I'd like to come a week in Sierra Nevada to do enduro, it's possible or is an area offl imits? There is someone that can help me and suggest me something about place to do enduro or other (where sleep etc etc)

my email is angelratio@yahoo.it or msn: mn1@hotmail.it

if you speak a little of italian is better!!

Salutos a todos from Italia e Soloenduro!!!
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By gjavier
Hi Angelo!

I don´t know if you intend to bring your own bike into Spain or you are willing to rent an enduro bike for the duration of your trip. I don't know of any company that rents enduro bikes, but the following website are from companies (mainly aimed at the british riders!) which can provide you with a week of riding on several places in Spain. I hope this helps.



www.solmoto.com (Murcia)
www.spainoffroad.com (Costa del Sol)
www.trailbiketours.com (Terra Alta?)
www.offonroadbikeholidays.com (Tenerife)
www.motofiesta.com (Valencia)
www.redtread.com (???)
www.go-sun-go.com (Pirineos y Costa Brava)
By angelogasgas
thanxxxxx!!! I'm gonna see this website
we come with our bike, the important is to know if the country of sierra nevada/andalusia is off limits or if we can ride there.
If there is someone that lives near this places and want show some place to do enduro is greattttttt!!
By jgamella
Alguien por Andalucia que pueda responder a este hombre?

Anyone from Andalucía can help this guy?
By jvcontre
Sierra Nevada es Parque Nacional.Eso esta claro no?
No se me ocurriria ir con mi KTM por los Alpes italianos...
Yo creo que no hay que meterse donde no te llaman.
De todos modos hay una gente maja en offroadsierranevada.com un poco mas al sur,en las Alpujarras.
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By zumbaokiki
angelogasgas escribió:I'm sorry, but I don't speak spanish
In may I'd like to come a week in Sierra Nevada to do enduro, it's possible or is an area offl imits? There is someone that can help me and suggest me something about place to do enduro or other (where sleep etc etc)

my email is angelratio@yahoo.it or msn: mn1@hotmail.it

if you speak a little of italian is better!!

Salutos a todos from Italia e Soloenduro!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


UN SALUDO[/quote]
By angelogasgas
Ola guys!!
I know that sierra nevada is national park,but I seek someone also for this!! I wanna go only if possible! No damage for none!! This is important!!

I'm waiting your help!

mail: angelratio@yahoo.it
msn: mn1@hotmail.it
By angelogasgas
no one from andalucia?!?... It's impossible :cry:
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By Ezu
Hello, angelo, I belive that its not possible to do that you want, because its a national park, and its so protec. May be, near from this place, in a little villages in the down of mountain, can do any enduro. Here in spain, this sport are so restrictec and if the place its a natural park...still less.
I know the place, but in others close places, may be you can do.
In granada, there is any company make routes whith quads...if you like...rent one and go. BYE. :D
By veloz gacela de bellavist
alguien puede traducir que es lo que desea "el guiri",
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By Ribes
Pues el Guiri quiere venir a hacer enduro a Sierra Nevada. Eso es Parque Natural ¿no?
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By gjavier
Angelo check this website:
www.offroadsierranevada.com (Alpujarras)

This place, the Alpujaras, is south of sierra nevada (not far!). Sierra Nevada itself is a national park and obviously access to it on a motorbike is absolutely forbiden.

I am sorry but I am not from that area so I can't give you more detail information. But i am sure you will be able to practice enduro as long as you don't enter the park. Do you know the name of the place that you are going to?

By angelogasgas
OK thanks to all!!
I said Sierra Nevada..but I mean the land around !!
Goooood enduro to all !

By jgamella
Angelo how I told you yesterday that the best way to practice enduro in spain is through EnduroAstur. If you have some doubts and you want I speak by telephone with EnduroAstur let me know.